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Water Gathering Event to Give Thanks

Join me on World Water Day 2018

March 22

Water is finally being recognized as a living being. Around the world, and right at our shorelines and sacred land and lakes across Canada and North America, many people are standing up for the rights of these sacred bodies of water.

Here's a little inspiration on this special day to remember the Water. This beautiful video is your call to action!

As part of the #lovewater movement I invite you to join the circle on World Water Day, March 22nd at 4pm at the Courtenay River Airpark Lagoon, on the look out deck to share your intentions for the water and #circlethekomoksestuary

However, since it looks like thunder showers in today's local Comox Valley forecast please join me from whereever you are instead in writing your intentions on a glass or water container/s with fresh water then on Earth Day, plant your seeds into the ground and pour your intention on it. Together, our collective intention will root to the core of our Mother Earth and sprout into manifestation for the June Solstice. Water Unifies us all it is a sacred medium of life.

LoveWater is a year long campaign that will transform our species relationship to water in every way possible. is a platform created to support the emergence of the Spiritual Renaissance happening on the planet. Go to to learn more.

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