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#circlethekomoksestuary A Community Art Project

by Connecting, Unifying,

and Protecting

A Community Art

This project is developed by by emerging artist: TaraLee Houston a student of Emily Carr University of Art and Design at North Island College, Community Projects Course (CCID 300) - SHARED HISTORIES, IMAGINED FUTURES & THE CULTURE OF POSSIBILITY - A Canada-South Africa Co-production.

Join local emerging artist TaraLee Houston, in this local community art project and help to create a circle of hope, by connecting people, place, land, and all living things in the K’omok’s Estuary. We will use site and non site encounters, making circles to encircle the K’omok’s Estuary as a way of symbolizing the protection and importance of what’s contained in the centre this ecologically biodiverse habitat.

This is a community art project. The goal is to make circles independently or with others to signify our personal and united connections to this place thereby giving time and space to share a dialogue about our shared history and hope for a sustainable future. I invite you to #circlethekomoksestuary.

Take part in a community art project!

Here’s how: Send a photo to of your favourite place on the estuary, a photo of an art piece that responds to the estuary, or a personal response made out of materials and given to me to place in the estuary or place it yourself and take a photo and send it to me, post it on instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #circlethekomoksestuary. I will be connecting this community project by digitally unifying this collection and collaboration and creating non site pieces that will be shown in a gallery and public settings. Let’s create a circle around the entire estuary as a symbol of connection, unification and protection.

Thank you for participating and as such you give permission to the artist to use the shared imagery and audio collected for this project. Imagery will be used in other installations, exhibits, and events and may be reproduced in artistic production by TaraLee Houston.

Thank you for your participation in connecting, unifying and protecting our K’omok’s Estuary and please share this to your friends, family and co workers.

****If you need help let me know by email at: and we can make a time to meet on the estuary and I will happily help you!

******I would love for you to be included in this art project this semester, so please participate before April 6th. Please feel free to continue to participate after this date also as part of the ongoing project.

Also, there will be a public screening at the Courtenay Museum on Thursday, April 13th from 7-9pm. You are invited to join our class to view the community art projects as we present our collaborations. For more information on this project and the public screening please like/share/watch my taralee houston art with heart page on Facebook or follow my instagram page tlhoustonartwithheart and visit my website for more about project a project relating to this one and my other artwork at:


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