Blog Beginnings
This is my first blog post and big step at making my work in progress website public. Since this is not my realm of familiarity bare with me as I continue to design and add to my pages. Learning new technology does not usually come easy to me, but I like the challenge.
I am currently, working on my 3rd year of a General Fine Arts Degree in the external ECUAD program on NIC campus in Courtenay, BC. This is an exciting semester for me! I will be exploring many topics such as: professional practices, a collaboration project focused on the K'omoks Estuary with Project Watershed, David Suzuki Foundation. I will also be learning and creating pieces around the idea of table space in my special topics ceramics class and understanding and creating contemporary collage projects in my drawing course.
I hope to post my insights from my interesting courses this semester, but for now this blog will be used mostly for my Drawing-Collage class. Since this course is an online course we will post our process and completed work online for classmates and the instructor to review and critique.
My creative process for our first assignment was to start by literally defining Assignment 1: Collisions, Revisions & Reversals. I also found many synonyms for each too better express the topic in my mind. It was also helpful to go through assigned readings and do some of my own researching on contemporary collage artists to see what is going on right now in the art world.

Finding out that collage can be in 2 diminsional form, 3 dimensional form and video really excites me. However, still unsure of the expectations of what is expected for production of assigments. I tend to hover here awhile thinking about grades, since I am in a course being graded and want to do my best to achieve an excellent grade. Then of course the arist in me figures the criteria given is to be loose and we are given the go ahead to start by putting something down and then echo or juxtapose it. I can start very experimentally to populate the space or to juxtapose elements or change configurations by ripping or cutting out. One thing leads to the next and may be ‘generative’. Using chance operations consider the idea of each collage piece being an active element – or an ‘actor’ – it has a function in the space and the elements interact with each other.
While contemplating over the assignment I keep going back to video some how to express this Collision and after deciding to continue working with a theme tied to the environment as a subject I like to communicate through my artwork. So stay tuned for more parts to my process of realizing this project.